Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Beginning...

Dia duit! I am officially starting a blog. Why? I have been searching high and low for foods, recipes, restaurants, etc., that meet my needs and I wanted a place to share, and vent, my findings. Basically, I'm a vegetarian, though not a strict vegan, who is extremely passionate about the environment. I strive to eat foods that are not only natural or organic, but also sustainably produced, good for me, good for the earth, and delicious! I also don't eat any white flour or processed foods, which is one of the hardest things to overcome when eating out. To make things just slightly more difficult, I have a weird version of Acid Reflux where, instead of getting heart burn, I get polyps on my vocal chords and chronic sinus infections. I am now on my third or fourth relapse of them, and realized that I need to start organizing my thoughts and return to my strict diet.

Puimcín is actually Irish Gaelic for pumpkin, which is one of my favorite foods in the world. Growing up in New England, fall is definitely the most amazing time of year, and, until recently, pumpkins were only part of the decoration. I finally tried pumpkin cheesecake a few years ago and since then, I'm obsessed. I've grown from a picky eater to a lover of flavors and food. I want to incorporate my love of food and the environment into this blog, and I hope that I'm able to share some of my passions with you.

Slán go fóill!

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