Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Well, that worked...And other stories.

I meant to start a blog, I really did...but I won't bore you with my list of excuses.

Here I am on Day 9 of the Master Cleanse and all I can think about is all the food that I'm going to eat...eventually...when I'm all done. I was trying to think of what my first post would be, and I thought that now would be as good a time as ever to start back up since I'm working my way back into amazing food. While pondering recipe after recipe, I realized that many of my recipes are not MY recipes, at all. I will of course be giving credit where credit is due, with my own alterations (since I never can seem to stick to a recipe) but I really wanted something all my own.

That's when I decided, maybe because I haven't had solid food in over a week, or maybe because I've been on a crazy Indian kick lately, that my first blog challenge will be to make the perfect channa masala all on my own (well, with a little help from Google every now and then). I'll keep a running tally of recipes that I try whilst still doing a regular blog, since I suppose this will take me a while.

For any of you (if there ARE any of YOU out there) who aren't familiar with the Master Cleanse, I'm not going to get into it because it's a separate issue all it's own. Basically, all you should know is that this Friday I can only have liquids and Saturday I can only have raw foods. Friday (well, Thursday night,) I'll be making a vegetable broth (or Garbage soup...recipe to follow) and Saturday, I'll be making carrot "tuna" with raw "mayonnaise" and will include the recipe and the link to the blog where I found the recipe.

Sunday, the Cleanse will be over!! For my first "real" meal, I'll be making falafel based on a Vegetarian Times recipe, but slightly altered, and I'll post that. For dinner, I'll be trying Fresh & Co in the city-an organic, local, sustainable eatery on 30th and 7th-and I'll post a review of that


While on the Cleanse, I had the unfortunate experience of going to my friend's birthday party. I say unfortunate because it was a "pizza" party: all of our friends came over and made homemade pizza. Totally unfair, but definitely has inspired me to make pizza at some point in the near future. My favorite: hummus pizza! I'll definitely post that recipe when the time comes! If you'd like to see more about the pizza party, check out my friend Steph's blog: http://epicuriousrunner.wordpress.com/ OR her new site: http://stephanie.ireallylikefood.com/weblog She's awesome.

That's all for now! If I don't post at least every other day, you have my permission to punch me in the face.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I will be an avid follower! I can't wait to eat falafel with you on Sunday : )
